Entire Maghrib
babushat: flat slippers for both sexes - entire Maghrib
[French: babouche, also written babouj]belgha: flat slippers, usually pointed at the toe, but sometimes rounded, for both sexes in the entire Maghrib
bernus: large hooded cape for men, entire Maghrib
bhika: woman's hat, so called throughout the Maghrib, but different in each country
durra'a, der'a, dirra: long robe with sleeves for both sexes, entire Maghrib
futa: outer wrap, or loin cloth for women in the entire Maghrib
ha'ik, hayk, tahaykt: large outer wrap, usually white, worn by both sexes in the entire Maghrib
[my observation in Dec. 2000-Jan 2001 indicates color differences from town to town in Southern Morocco - often indigo blue or black or striped white and blue or black]hzam: general designation for belt, especially a sash in the entire Maghrib
'imama: standard turban in the entire Maghrib
izar: large outer wrap for both sexes in the entire Maghrib; fringed shawl worn by Jewish women in Morocco
kabbut: a coat for both sexes in the entire Maghrib
kamis, kamidjdja, kamidja: long body shirt for both sexes in the entire Maghrib
ksa: large outer wrap for both sexes in the entire Maghrib
milhafa, mlahfa, tamelhaft: large outer wrap worn by both sexes, entire Maghrib
na'l, n'ala, n'ayl: sandals in the entire Maghrib
shashiyya, shash: brimless soft hat worn by both sexes in the entire Maghrib
sedriyya, sadriyya: a man's waistcoat in the entire Maghrib
serwal: trousers for both sexes in the entire Maghrib
takiyya: skull cap for men in the entire Maghrib
tarbush: hats of various types for men in the entire Maghrib
tkasher: stockings for both sexes in the entire Maghrib
tmak: riding boots in the entire Maghrib
Morocco and Algeria
Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia
Algeria and Tunisia
Tunisia and Libya
barrakan: large enveloping outer wrap for both sexes in Libya
frimla, furmayla: an embroidered bolero vest in Libya
maryul: short embroidered shift worn by women in Libya
testmal: fringed head scarf for women in Libya
zibbun: a man's jacket with long sleeves in Libya
Todo esto lo he extraido de la web: http://home.earthlink.net/~lilinah/Costuming/glossary-clothing-country.html, y a su vez parece ser extraido de: Encyclopedia of Islam, 1986